
Download queue Download queue


Set the selected items' priority to Normal.
Set the selected items' priority to Paused.
Increase priorityIncrease priority
Increase the selected items' priority.
Decrease priorityDecrease priority
Decrease the selected items' priority.
Remove fileRemove file
Remove the queued file(s).

Left screen

This screen will display the queued directories in a tree view.

Menu options

Set priority
This will set the priority of all files in the directory. If a file is paused, it will not begin to download and it will not be automatically searched for.
Moves and/or renames the queued directory.
Deletes the queued directory from the queue. If Confirm item removal in download queue is enabled, you will be prompted.

Right screen


The name of the queued file.
Display the file's current status. Possible status messages are:
The size of the file, rounded off to closest appropriate unit.
The amount of bytes downloaded.
The file's priority. If a file is paused, it will not begin to download and it will not be automatically searched for.
The sources' names and their respective hubs.
The path to the queued file's location, when finished.
Exact size
The exact file size in bytes.
If an error occur for a file, the error will be displayed here by showing the nick(s) of the problematic source(s) and the error message between parentheses. Possible errors are :
The date and time when the file was added to the queue.
TTH root
The file's TTH root.
The extension (file type) of the queued file.

Context menu commands

Search for alternates
Will open a new Search window to search for alternate sources for the selected file.
Lookup TTH at
Will trigger the default browser to lookup the TTH of the selected file at
Copy magnet link to clipboard
Will copy the file's magnet link to the clipboard.
Moves and/or renames the queued file.
Recheck integrity
Rechecks the corresponding unfinished download. Useful:
Set priority
The file's priority. If a file is paused, it will not begin to download and it will not be automatically searched for.
Re-add source
Re-add a source that was previously removed.
Remove source
Remove a source from a queued file.
Remove user from queue
Removes the user from all files in the queue.
Get file list
Download the file list of the selected users.
Browse file list
Download only the required pieces of the file lists of the selected users in form of a partial file list. Note that you may not able to fully exploit certain file list functions in a partial list window until you get the whole list using the "Download full list" button.
Match queue
Matches the files in your download queue to the file lists of the selected users. 2 files are considered to be the same if their TTH is the same. If matches are found in one user's file list, she will be added as a source for the relevant downloads.
Send private message
Open Private Message windows to chat privately with the selected users.
Grant extra slot
In addition to your regular upload slots, an extra upload slot will be given to the selected users until the end of the current DC++ session.
Remove user from queue
Remove the selected users from the source list of all queued files. Pending file list requests will be removed as well.
Ignore chat
Add user matching definitions (or modify existing ones, if possible) to ignore chat messages from the selected users.
Un-ignore chat
Add user matching definitions (or modify existing ones, if possible) to stop ignoring chat messages from the selected users.
Copy user information
Copy a few lines containing user information to the clipboard. The data may include: the user's nick(s), her hub address(es), her IP, country, email, CID (not exhaustive). When multiple users are selected, each user information blob is separated with a blank line.
Deletes the actual item from the list. If the corresponding setting in Confirm dialog options is enabled, you will be prompted before the removal.
Remove all
Deletes all the selected items from the list. If the corresponding setting in Confirm dialog options is enabled, you will be prompted before the removal.
Allows copying the content of any column to the clipboard. An "All columns" command is available as well to gather all the columns in the copied text (one column per copied line).

Status bar

Unnamed checkbox
This will toggle the appearance of the left screen.
The amount of selected items.
Size (left)
The total size (in bytes) of selected items.
The total amount of files queued.
Size (right)
The total amount of bytes queued.